LANDASAN TEORIPenelitian ini menggunakan contracting theory dimana kon traduction - LANDASAN TEORIPenelitian ini menggunakan contracting theory dimana kon Anglais comment dire

LANDASAN TEORIPenelitian ini menggu

Penelitian ini menggunakan contracting theory dimana kontrak antara consumers dan winners. Setiap consumers disebutkan mempuntai kepentingan yang beragam dan setiap consumers mempunyai tingkat kerugian yang kecil.

Hipotesis pada penelitian ini yaitu manajer produser domestic yang ingin mendapat keuntungan dari proteksi impor akan memilih akuntansi yang mengurangi laporan laba selama periode investigasi ITC yang dibandingkan dengan periode non-investigasi.
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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
THE CORNERSTONE OF THE THEORYThis research uses contracting theory where the contract between consumers and the winners. Each of the consumers mentioned the diverse interests and mempuntai each level consumers losses small. The HYPOTHESISResearch on hypothesis is the Manager of domestic producers who want to benefit from the import protection would choose accounting which reduces the profit during the period of investigation of ITC that is compared to the non-investigation period.
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Résultats (Anglais) 2:[Copie]
This study uses contracting theory which contracts between consumers and winners. Each consumers mentioned mempuntai diverse interests and individual consumers have the losses are small.

The hypothesis in this study is the manager of the producer's domestic wishing to benefit from import protection will choose accounting reducing profit during the investigation period ITC compared to the non-investigation ,
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Résultats (Anglais) 3:[Copie]
landasan teoripenelitian ini使用契约理论dimana kontrak安塔拉消费者丹赢家。消费者都disebutkan mempuntai kepentingan杨beragam丹都有tingkat消费者kerugian杨小。hipotesishipotesis在penelitian ini就是manajer produser国内杨想得、浪费、达日proteksi重要要选择akuntansi杨mengurangi laporan腊八直到时间investigasi ITC杨dibandingkan,周期非investigasi。
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