4 weeks ago
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Ok look here, I do not know what something was thinking when they decided to change the Skype messaging in the lastest update; I say something because surely no person could have thought of something so idiotic and troublesome. You see, ever since I downloaded the latest Skype update something peculiar happens when I engage in any type of conversation, be it in a group or individual, the messages of each person begin to group up and it appears that Skype is prioritizing your own messages to be seen at all times. This results in a person having to scroll and search for another persons reply, this is especially irritating in group chats of 10+. It gets so bad that each person in a chat just has a block of each persons messages making it completely unable to read yours or any other persons messages. PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU! STOP THIS! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!? PLEASE GIVE ME A SOLUTION, FOR ME AND FOR EVERYONE ELSE! I really do love Skype, I put up with most stupid things, but really? This I cannot deal with, I believe if this is a constant occurence I will be forced to find other means of messaging my friends. Thank you for listening.