Une plaque métallique de vous empêcher d'aller à ce que signifie la fin de la voie que vous marchez ou pour rencontrer le Seigneur dans le fihaviany- (Matthieu, 25: 34) ou appelez le hiafenana- rock (Apocalypse 6: 16)
A metal plate to prevent going to mean the end of the lane that you walk or to meet the Lord in the fihaviany - (Matthew, 25: 34) or call hiafenana - rock (Revelation 6:16)
A metal plate to prevent you from going that means the end of the path as you walk or to meet the Lord in the fihaviany- (Matthew 25: 34) or call hiafenana- rock (Apocalypse 6: 16)
a metal plate to prevent you to go that means the end of the road you're walking, to meet the lord in the fihaviany (matthew 25: 34), or call the hiafenana rock (. 16)