Bonsoir Monsieur Sorensen,Tout d'abord je tiens à vous remercier pour  traduction - Bonsoir Monsieur Sorensen,Tout d'abord je tiens à vous remercier pour  Anglais comment dire

Bonsoir Monsieur Sorensen,Tout d'ab

Bonsoir Monsieur Sorensen,

Tout d'abord je tiens à vous remercier pour avoir partagé votre dernière parution. J'en ai apprécié la contenance même si j'ai déjà fait des recherches en amont sur votre site Grant Thornton. Si non quoi je ne me serai pas permis de vous contacter.

Mais ce n'est pas à vous que je vais l'apprendre, même si vous avez l'habitude de sélectionner les meilleurs pour un poste à titré, nul n'est parfait et tout reste perfectible.

Je vous ai donc contacté pour plusieurs raison:

1) Même si cela n'a pas abouti, je n'ai pas oublié l'aide que vous avez voulu m'apporter cette année dans ma recherche d'emploi malgré mon jeune age.

2) J'ai été ravi de découvrir au cours d'une discussion que Pacharee Pantoomano était une connaissance en commun.

3) Je connais les valeurs ajoutées de la société pour laquelle je travaille pour une activité comme la votre. J'ai pris l'habitude de choisir mes clients car ce sont de bonnes connaissances ou des personnes comme vous qui ont tenté de m'aider. Ce pourquoi je propose ces services avant tout à des personnes telles que vous.

4) Enfin, ni voyez aucun reproche, j'aurais beaucoup aimé recevoir un message personnel de votre part dans l'espoir de pouvoir vous apporter un atout concurrentiel. Car quantité ne veut pas toujours (très rarement) dire quantité.

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Résultats (Anglais) 1: [Copie]
Good evening Mr Sørensen,First of all I would like to thank you for having shared your last release. I enjoyed in the capacity even if I already have research on your Grant Thornton site upstream. If not what I won't be me not allowed you to contact.But not to you I'll learn it, even if you used to select the best for a position to titled, no one is perfect and everything is perfectible.I therefore contacted you for several reason:(1) even if this is not successful, I have not forgotten the assistance you wanted to bring me this year in my job despite my young age.(2) I was delighted to discover during a discussion that Abul Pantoomano was common knowledge. (3) I know the added values of the company for which I work for a business like yours. The habit of choosing my clients because it is good knowledge or people like you who tried to help me. That's why I offer these services primarily to people like you.(4) Finally, or see no blame, I would have liked to receive a personal message from you in the hope you bring a competitive advantage. Because quantity does not always (very rarely) mean amount.
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Résultats (Anglais) 2:[Copie]
Good evening Mr. Sorensen, First of all I want to thank you for sharing your latest release. I have enjoyed the same capacity if I have already made ​​upstream Grant Thornton research on your site. If not what I will not allow me to contact you. But it's not you I'm going to learn, even if you are used to select the best for a position titled, nobody is perfect . and everything is perfectible So I have contacted for several reasons: 1) Even if it failed, I have not forgotten the help you wanted to bring me this year in spite of my job search my young age. 2) I was delighted to discover during a discussion Pacharee Pantoomano was common knowledge. 3) I know the added value of the company I work for a business like yours. I got used to choose my clients because they are good acquaintances or people like you who tried to help me. This why I propose these services primarily to people like you. 4) Finally, nor see any complaints, I would love to receive from you a personal message in the hope that we can bring you a competitive advantage. Because quantity does not always (rarely) say amount.

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Résultats (Anglais) 3:[Copie]
good evening, mr. sorensen, "first of all, i would like to thank you for sharing your last issue. i enjoyed the capacity even if i have already researched above on your website, grant thornton. if not, what i wouldn't be allowed to get in touch with you. "but it's not for you, i'll learn.even if you are used to select the best in a position to said, it is not perfect and needs to be improved.

i contacted for several reasons: (1) even if it failed, i didn't forget the help you give me in this year my job at that young age. "(2) i was delighted to discover during the course of a debate pacharee pantoomano was common knowledge.

) i know the added value of the company for which i work for a business like yours. i'm used to choose my clients because the knowledge and people like you who have tried to help me.what i offer these services for people like you. "(4), or see it, i would have liked to receive a personal message to you in the hope that we can provide you with a competitive advantage. because quantity does not necessarily mean much (very rarely). "
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