'Spiritual Dehydration' is DANGEROUS! Drink from this spring of water given to a thirty world: [John 4:14]
A man may feed the body but starve his soul... [Matthew 4:4]
Fear and love CANNOT coexist.... [I John 4:18]
Your GOOD works cannot get you into heaven...[Ephesians 2:8,9]
Heaven is full of sinners ... [Luke 15:7, Luke 15:10]
If you fear God you are wise. ... If you hate God you LOVE DEATH..[Proverbs 8:36]
God does not live inside man-made TEMPLES [Acts 7-48-49]
Those who resist the truth, end up believing a lie....[II Thessalonians 2:10-11].
Jesus was there, in the beginning, when the world was made. [John 1:1, John 1:14]
Contrary to popular opinion, the Devil is indeed in control of this world. [Luke 4:5,6]
Mankind DID NOT evolve ... was created - male and female. [Mark 10:6]
Even if you are not in prison... that does not mean you are free ... [John 8:32]
You say you DO NOT understand the BIBLE... could you just be a NATURAL? [1 Cor 2:14]
We are all born with sin. Even if you are a 'good' person, you still have sin. [Romans 5:12, Romans 3:23]
Love is the most powerful force in the world. Love is God and God is Love. Confirm here: [I John 4:8. [I John 4:16].
You should love your enemies, not kill them. [Matthew 5:44]
There is a war going on all the time, even in times of peace. [Ephesians 6:12]
We are all dead until we are born again. [John 3:3]
There is LIFE in the Words of Jesus Christ. [John 6:63]